I’m beginning to wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew with my website and this blog. Don’t get me wrong I’m really pleased with what I’ve put together but I want to do so much more! I barely have time to update my walks without even adding all the summit pages that I want to. I think it will be easier when I’ve finally got all my Yorkshire Dales walks on this site from 2004 and 2005. In the meantime I have managed to add my index of walks for 2006.
Since the move I’ve managed to at least get in a reasonably busy month of walking in August. All the walks have been memorable for one reason or another. Special mention must go to Bleaklow and Beacon Hill. The walk up Bleaklow was a real challenge mainly due to having to fight through a pathless region of bracken, heather, trees and gritstone and then enduring nearly everything the elements could throw at us in August including hail. Ultimately we were rewarded though with some super views from Higher Shelf Stones.
My visit to the limestone country of Westmorland was the first time this year that Lisa and I had enjoyed really nice weather on a walk together. It helped that the walk was full of interest and the long distance views outstanding, particularly from the monument topped summit of Beacon Hill. Strongly recommended.
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